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What is the cancellation policy?


Cancellation fee base on how early you made before scheduled appointment 


No charge* ---- at least 24 hours before. (* nearly 4% card processing fee won't be refunded based on online payment provider policy)


half price ---- between 6-24 hours before.


full price ---- 6 hours or less before.


full price ---- no shown.

How to book my session with a gift certificate?

Read cancellation policy(at the top question on this page) before booking, TEXT 361 232 1535 along with the picture of gift certificate ask if the date and time you preferred are available to book.  BOOKING NOW


All bookings made are subject to availability and change.

Gift certificates are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash.

No change or certificate for unused differences can be issued. The actual gift certificate must be presented for validation on arrival.

Any reservation made using your gift certificate will be subject to our normal booking policy.

We are not responsible if a Gift Certificate is expired, lost, stolen, destroyed or used without permission.


Many massage therapists, clinics or other locations operate on what is known as a “spa hour.” A “spa hour” takes into account transition time to get a client onto the table and back off at the end of the session. In such instances, a 60 minute session would consist of 5 minutes to conduct a preliminary interview and get onto the table; 50 minutes of hands-on time and 5 minutes to conduct an exit interview and escort the client from the treatment room.

Arriving late : Appointment times have been arranged specifically for you. If you arrive late your session may be shortened in order to accommodate others whose appointments follow yours. Depending upon how late you arrive, your therapist will then determine if there is enough time remaining to start a treatment. Regardless of the length of the treatment actually given, you will be responsible for the “full” session, however we will do our best to satisfy the scheduled time.


Arrive early – take a couple minutes to sit quietly to start slowing down the body and the mind
Communication is key – the more specific you can be about the intention of your session and insights into your individual history, the more tailored your treatment will be. And please speak up, let me know if you have any other concerns during the session.
Breathe – Deep breathing helps to facilitate relaxation. It is common to stop or tighten your breath when having a sensitive area massaged. If you realize you are doing this, simply take a deep breath to move the energy through your body.
Hydrate – Make sure to drink plenty of water after the massage to help continue to flush toxins that were released during the session. BOOKING NOW


What should I wear for my massage?

You can wear whatever type of clothing makes you feel the most comfortable. Many clients choose  wear nothing(including jewelry) during their massage sessions. You will be draped properly. BOOKING NOW

What should I do during my massage?

You DON'T need to do anything only need to keep breathing at your normal pace, but when you feel sore while the pressure on some pain points, please take deep breath to help the area to incorporate the pressure and movement you receive. BOOKING NOW


Can I talk during my massage?

You can talk, absolutely YES, but not prefer long non-stopped talk during whole session, because in my opinion too much talking during the session will distract your attention which won't help you much to achieve your massage goal, on the other hand, I am intentional about everything I do in massage, I expect to maximum the benefits of massage to every customer,I need to focus on controlling my pressure, strokes, movements, and also I need to experience the reactions from your body. Feedbacks on massage afterward are always welcome!!   BOOKING NOW



Well, first of all, main difference is the goal, relaxation one is for entire body relaxed and stress released purpose, pain management (deep tissue) is usually for the specific areas pain relief and of course bring you away from stress too, therefore, different goals cause  the other differences: pressure levels, massage strokes, tools and techniques. Understand what you expect from  the massage you will get, get right type. If you are not sure how to choose, talk to the therapist first. BOOKING NOW



Yes, they are, no need  to book online leave me message while you book an session.  BOOKING NOW

Will I be sore after my massage?

Depending on the type and depth of bodywork you receive, you might experience a bit of soreness in the day or two following your appointment. Taking a hot bath with Epsom salt or doing slow stretching will help ease the discomfort. And keep the water going…hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! BOOKING NOW

How often should I receive massage?

The answer varies greatly depending upon your health and reasons/goals for receiving massage. If you are recovering from an injury or working with chronic pain, weekly sessions may be necessary for awhile to gain momentum in your healing. For those using massage as preventative means, once/twice a month is appropriate. This should become more frequent in times of stress or illness.

Massage works best over time. The therapeutic effects of massage are cumulative, so the more often you get a massage, the better you will feel and the more quickly your body will respond .BOOKING NOW

Must I TIP?

Tipping is voluntary, but it's generally expected for many services, showing gratitude for a service with a tip is a customary practice, whether you get a massage on a regular basis or view it as an occasional treat, it is important to know that tipping for your massage is considered proper etiquette, the standard hospitality rate for massage tipping is 20% on the original price, tipping less or more up to your satisfaction on the service.

Do you accept walk-ins?

The answer is yes and no. "Yes" if I am available at the time when you walk in. As an independent therapist,  I REALLY appreciate your advanced booking online, which could let me manage all schedules properly, on the other hand, making an appointment can guarantee your booking. Thank you.  BOOKING NOW

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